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Hi! I'm Nejat.

i'm a musician disguised as a software engineer, based in istanbul and amsterdam.

i specialize in frontend development, with an annoying amount of loyalty towards user experience design.

i do cool stuff at boostfy, presco, presco overlay, fresco, direcon for social audio, coniun and with the last two striking quite a bit of attention lately and might actually be why you're here in the first place. if so, i'm so glad you liked them! we're very happy to see the huge interest and the ~completely positive feedback coniun and have been getting and we're very excited to think about what they have the potential to become.

within ~20 years, i've been involved in projects ranging from web to game development, business development & content management on platforms ranging from wap markets to app stores, massive s-vod services, e-book services, payment systems, sales of digital goods, live streaming, and everything in between.

you can contact me via the links below.